1. It is expressly agreed and agreed that the “lessee” is obliged to make good and diligent use of the “vehicle” and in particular:

a) to take all necessary measures to avoid damages, damage or loss of the “vehicle”.

b) keep the “vehicle” in excellent condition in all respects, including hygiene and cleanliness

c) refrain from placing the “vehicle” near flammable materials or other objects, which may expose the “vehicle” to the risk of fire or any other risk of harm or damage to it and refrain from placing it inside

the “vehicle” flammable materials or other objects, which may expose the “vehicle” to a risk of fire or any other risk of harm or damage

d) to use the “vehicle” in accordance with: i) the terms contained in this agreement and ii) the correct rules of safety practice and the manufacturer’s instructions for use, of which (instructions) he received full knowledge, it is indicatively stated that he must keep the correct tire pressures, engine oil level, battery fluid level, coolant levels, etc. e) to keep the “vehicle” under its constant possession and control f) to refrain from actions that offend or pose in any way endanger the rights of the “lessor” on the “vehicle” and g) to take the necessary security measures, so that the rights of the “lessor” on the “vehicle” are not violated or endangered by actions or omissions of third parties.

2 The “lessee” is obliged to fully compensate the damage that the “lessor” may suffer from a) any damage, wear or loss of the “vehicle” during the time the “lessee” has the use of it, it is indicatively stated that the “lessee” “is obliged to ensure that the “vehicle” is always locked when it is not in use, to be kept in a closed parking lot, to take all necessary measures to avoid loss, damage, theft, vandalism, arson, sabotage of the “vehicle ” of the tires, tools, accessories and general equipment of b) the violation on the part of the “lessee” of any of his obligations, which derives from this. In addition, the “lessor” to pay, to any natural or legal person, to the Greek State or to any Authority, either as a monetary penalty, or as a fine, or as an administrative, civil or criminal sanction, or as compensation, or under any other form, due to any act or omission of the “lessee” during the time the latter has the use of the “vehicle”.

3 Administrative fines and penalties for violations of the C.O.K. which are imposed for a reason related to the period of time during which the “lessee” has the use of the “vehicle”, shall be borne exclusively by the latter. The “lessee” is also responsible for the expenses required for the use of the “vehicle”. Examples include fuel, tolls, any damage from accidents or damage that is not covered by the insurance company, etc. It is understood that the “lessee” is obliged to fully compensate for any kind of damage or moral damage, which is caused at the expense of the “lessor” or of any third party, natural or legal person or association of persons from the use of the “vehicle” from the non-payment of compensation by any insurance compensation insurance company for the damage caused by the occurrence of any insurance risk or in general from any vehicle.

4 It is expressly agreed and acknowledged that it is absolutely prohibited a) on the part of the “tenant” to grant the use of the “vehicle” or part of it to a third party, natural or legal person, with or without consideration and for any reason b) the conversion of the “vehicle ” or any of its equipment c) the use of the “vehicle” : i) under the influence of alcohol or hallucinogens or narcotics or barbiturates or other substances (chemicals, pharmaceuticals, etc.) that affect the ability to drive and the senses of the driver or is in general condition of impaired driving ability

and perception ii) if the legal conditions (driver’s license etc.) and the necessary abilities for the legal and safe use of the “vehicle” do not exist (sight etc. ) iii) for illegal activities iv) in official or improvised races v) in trade fairs vi) in competitions vii) for technical analyzes and comparisons d) the use of the vehicle to tow loads or trailers of any kind e) the exit of the “vehicle » from the Prefecture of Attica and Greece f) driving the vehicle in violation of Code of Conduct as well as driving in case of mechanical or electrical damage or damage, as long as said driving may cause aggravation or increase respectively of said damage or damage g) any conversion of the “vehicle” or the addition of parts and equipment thereof h) the use of the “vehicle” for the transport or movement of heavy luggage or objects, drugs, weapons or any other objects, the possession and transport of which is prohibited by the current legislation or may cause any risk to the safety of the “vehicle” or its occupants or third parties and i) the use of the “vehicle” for the transport of persons for a fee

5 In the event of an accident or other incident, which endangers the rights of the “lessor” on the “vehicle”, the “lessee” is obliged to notify the “lessor” without delay and to take all necessary measures to prevent or limitation of any damages of the “lessor”.

6 The “lessor” is not responsible for the loss or damage to any item transported with the “vehicle”, nor for the loss or damage of any item remaining in the “vehicle” after its return.

7 It is not included in the rent and is therefore entirely and exclusively borne by the “lessee”: a) life risks or damages, which are not covered by the insurance company, which provides the insurance coverage of the “vehicle” indicatively any amount for the restoration of for which there is no obligation of the insurance company to pay compensation, any damage or risk not covered by the insurance coverage, etc. and b) any maintenance expense of the “vehicle” as well as any expense required for the repair and restoration of any damage or damage to the “vehicle”. It is further expressly agreed and agreed that the “lessee” is obliged to pay to the “lessor” all costs and expenses incurred by the latter for any maintenance of the “vehicle” or for the repair of the “vehicle” as a consequence of the use of the ” vehicle” by the “lessee”.

8 The “lessee” is obliged to fully compensate the damage that the “lessor” may suffer from a) any damage or damage to the “vehicle” during this contract and b) the violation by the “lessee” of any of his obligations , which follows from the present.

9 The “lessor” is the beneficiary of the insurance and is entitled to collect directly any sums paid by the insurance company pursuant to the relevant insurance contract, in the event of the occurrence of any insurance risk. The “tenant” neither has nor acquires any right or claim to the amounts in question.

10 The “lessor” is entitled to demand the return of the “vehicle” even before the expiration of this contract provided for in condition 1: a) if the “lessee” uses it contrary to the terms of this contract or if he violates any of the present obligation or b) if the “lessee” causes any damage to the “vehicle”, If any of the above cases occur, the “lessor” is entitled to demand the “vehicle” and the “lessee” is obliged to deliver it immediately, without any damage, wear or defect to the “lessor”, in the exact condition as received.

11 The “lessor” is entitled to terminate this contract at any time, with written notice to the “lessee” in the event that any of the following events take place, which are agreed to constitute a breach of a corresponding essential obligation of the “lessee”:

A) if the “lessee” violates any term of this
B) if the “lessee” takes any action or omission, which has as direct effect or ultimate purpose of confiscating or requisitioning the “vehicle”

C) if any statement or assurance of the “tenant” provided herein or related to its execution proves to be untrue

D) if the “lessee” makes any sublease or concession of the use of the “vehicle”, or part thereof, to a third party, natural or legal person, with or without consideration and for any reason and

E) if the “tenant” uses the “vehicle”: i) under the influence of alcohol or other substances (chemicals, pharmaceuticals, etc.) ii) for illegal activities and iii) in official or improvised competitions

12 At the time of service to the “lessee” of the above under paragraph 3.11 of the present complaint on behalf of the “lessor” of the present: 1) the present contract is immediately terminated automatically 2) the “lessee” is obliged to: a) to pay to the “lessor”: i) the agreed rents until the end of this contract and ii) as a penalty clause the amount of five hundred (500) euros, which becomes overdue and due upon notification of the complaint b) to deliver to ” lessor” immediately the possession of the “vehicle” in the excellent condition that he received it and c) to restore any damage, positive or cumulative, present or future, direct or indirect, which the “lessor” may suffer due to the above termination of the contract due to termination.

13 In the event of an accident or any other incident (traffic accident, fire, theft, loss, etc.) the “lessee” is obliged within 2 hours to follow the following procedure: a) To contact the “lessor” immediately by telephone or by any other means and the relevant insurance company in which the “vehicle” is insured b) To notify the police or 166, one of which is deemed necessary c) To note the names and addresses of eyewitnesses as well as any person involved in the above incidents and d) To collect any relevant information from any third party and any relevant document or other element (eg photos etc) and to send them to the “landlord”.

14 It is expressly agreed that all safety provisions were observed and that the “lessee” received full detailed information on the general operation of the “vehicle”

15 The “lessor” does not bear any responsibility and does not provide any guarantee as to the manufacturing quality, functionality, suitability and the initial or subsequent lack of properties or the appearance of defects, which the manufacturer, the importer, and the reseller of the ” vehicle’, the ‘lessee’ waives any possible claim against the ‘lessor’ The ‘lessor’ is only liable in case of intent or gross negligence. In all other cases (including slight negligence, acts of God or force majeure) the “lessor” bears absolutely no responsibility and no claim can be raised against him.

16 The non-exercise or non-timely exercise by the “lessor” of any of his rights deriving from this contract, in no case can be interpreted as a waiver of his respective right.

17 The payment of the rent and any modification of the terms of this contract will only be proven in writing, excluding any other evidence and this oath.

18 In the event of a change in the address of any contracting party, the latter is obliged to notify its counterparty of said change of address, otherwise, according to the above, the service or notification of a document related to this contract is made to the addresses stated in the preamble hereof.

19 All the terms herein are agreed and recognized by both contracting parties as essential. It is expressly agreed that in the event that any term of this present should be deemed invalid for any reason, said invalidity does not entail the invalidity of the entire present contract, but the parties are obliged to modify this one, in order to ensure the agreement of the above term with provisions of compulsory law to which he may be opposed, but taking care in any case to maintain the pre-existing balance of rights and obligations on both sides, as expressed herein.

20 This contract is governed in all respects by Greek law.

21 The “lessee” by signing this consents to the further disposal and processing of personal data.

22 The contracting parties agree that their true intentions have been included herein, recognize the content of this agreement as legal, true, valid, valid and binding for them and waive any right to annul or breach and in general to violate this agreement for any reason or reason even for the reason mentioned in articles 178, 179 and 388 of the Civil Code.